- Key Specifications: SUPER DOT 4 PLUS, US FMVSS No 116 Super DOT 4, AS 1960.1- 2005.
- Excellent braking response due to high boiling point of fluid (600°F).
- High wet boiling point ensures long term retention of fluid performance.
- Better performance for life of fluid compared to Super DOT 4 fluids.
RACING BRAKE FLUID is a premium full synthetic, non silicone, Super Dot 4 Plus brake fluid for superior performance in severe braking conditions.
RACING BRAKE FLUID is designed for use in hydraulic brake and clutch systems in all types of competition - cars, trucks, motorcycles, go-karts and other racing vehicles involved in all forms of competition including rally and circuit racing. It is also ideal for high performance on and off-road vehicles requiring the ultimate high temperature brake and clutch fluid.
RACING BRAKE FLUID has been competition proven and tested in Australian conditions in many forms of motorsport including V8 Supercars, Production Cars, GT Race Cars, Open Wheelers, Motor Cross, Drag Racing, Drifting and Go Karting where maximum performance and reliability is required from the fluid.
RACING BRAKE FLUID is the ultimate Super Dot 4 Plus high temperature brake fluid with a 316° C / 600° F boiling point.
For best results the following change intervals are recommended
- On-Road Use -12 months
- Club Racing - 6 months
- Extreme service competition after each meeting
- Do not mix with DOT 3 or silicone DOT 5 fluids.
- Do not use in brake cylinders & reservoirs with a high percentage content of Magnesium.
- Do not use in conjunction with silicone type assembly compounds.
- 主要規格:SUPER DOT 4 PLUS,美國 FMVSS No 116 Super DOT 4,AS 1960.1-2005。
- 由於流體的高沸點 (600°F),具有出色的製動響應。
- 高濕沸點可確保長期保持流體性能。
- 與 Super DOT 4 流體相比,流體壽命性能更好。
RACING BRAKE FLUID 是一種優質的全合成、非有機矽 Super Dot 4 Plus 制動液,可在嚴苛的製動條件下提供卓越的性能。
RACING BRAKE FLUID 設計用於所有類型的比賽中的液壓制動和離合器系統 - 汽車、卡車、摩托車、卡丁車和其他參與各種形式比賽的賽車,包括拉力賽和巡迴賽。它也是需要高溫制動和離合器液的高性能公路和越野車輛的理想選擇。
RACING BRAKE FLUID已在澳大利亞多種形式的賽車運動中經過競爭驗證和測試,包括 V8 超級跑車、量產車、GT 賽車、開式輪車、摩托車越野賽、飆車、漂移和卡丁車,其中需要最大的性能和可靠性。體液。
RACING BRAKE FLUID 是終極 Super Dot 4 Plus 高溫制動液,沸點為 316° C / 600° F。
在路上使用 -12 個月
俱樂部賽車 - 6 個月
不要與 DOT 3 或矽膠 DOT 5 液體混合。